The All My Movies Project

I recently quit my job for a few reasons I won't go into, but I am using the time I suddenly have a lot of to do a few things I've been putting off. I'm learning to sew. I'm baking lots of bread. I'm walking four miles every day. And I'm watching a lot of movies.

I have hundreds of DVDs in my collection: feature films, documentaries, and TV shows. Some are favorites I've seen a million times, some are impulse buys or gifts I haven't seen once. Some are legit classics. Some...are not. I have very eclectic taste.

So, my first project for what will hopefully be a blog I'll actually stick with, is this: I'm going to watch each movie I own, in alphabetical order, and write reviews of them. This will take months, but I've got time.


I read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies. I like to talk about them and bore people to death. Now I'll write about them.
