I Have No Excuses

So it’s been awhile, huh?

I meant to do better, I really did. Writing is hard, it’s hard for me, and so is life. I wish it weren’t. I have a few resolutions though:

  • I’m going to start this thing up again. That means regular posts on the things that I like, some of which are continuing started series. I might also start blathering about unexpected things that interest me.
  • I’m working on the novel. I’m hoping, once a week, to write an update here on what I’ve accomplished.
  • A lot of this is because I’m hoping to apply to MFA programs within the next few years, after my husband finishes law school. Gotta keep the skills up, and polish my writing samples.
  • Which brings us to: GRE prep! I have started and am very excited. Haven’t registered to take it yet; I’m taking things slow so that I don’t go manic and exhaust myself. I’m getting books and doing practice tests. It’s pretty frightening. Hopefully this is where I can also keep track of that.
  • Excercise. I’m going to exercise and eat better. We had a death in the family recently, and maybe this is the bargaining stage, but I want to keep better care of myself.

So that’s the plan. I’m going to update this space somehow every day, even if no one is reading it. It will either be a boring update on how I’ve worked out, or a recipe I’ve tried, or brief thoughts on an article I read. Or something more substantial. Tomorrow (I swear to god) I’ll be re-starting the movie project, with more on musicals, Jane Austen, and bad Jane Austen sequels to come later next week.