Henry Ossawa Tanner, Religious Works


The Resurrection of Lazarus
The Resurrection of Lazarus

The Flight Into Egypt
The Flight Into Egypt

The Three Marys at the Tomb of Jesus
The Three Marys at the Tomb of Jesus


Moses in the Bullrushes
Moses in the Bullrushes

Abraham's Oak
Abraham's Oak

Angels Appearing Before the Shepherds
Angels Appearing Before the Shepherds

Nicodemus Visiting Jesus
Nicodemus Visiting Jesus


The Disciples See Christ Walking on the Water
The Disciples See Christ Walking on the Water

Christ and His Mother Studying the Scriptures
Christ and His Mother Studying the Scriptures

The Holy Family
The Holy Family

Two Disciples at the Tomb
Two Disciples at the Tomb

Job and His Three Friends
Job and His Three Friends

Return of the Holy Women
Return of the Holy Women

Christ at the Home of Mary and Martha
Christ at the Home of Mary and Martha

Henry Ossawa Tanner


I read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies. I like to talk about them and bore people to death. Now I'll write about them.
