All My Movies Project - Masterlist
I realized last night that if I'm actually going to blog about each item in my extensive movie and TV collection I should probably »
I realized last night that if I'm actually going to blog about each item in my extensive movie and TV collection I should probably »
Episode 1: John Adams, Lawyer Episode 2: John Adams, Revolutionary Episode 3: John Adams, Diplomat Episode 4: John Adams, Minister to Great Britain They actually managed »
Pride and Prejudice, chapter two Chapter two is very brief, consisting of a single scene in which almost all the Bennet family appears. Again, Austen is »
Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, by Linda Berdoll. Chapter 2: So what happened? We open in flashback, beginning one can surmise shortly after the end of »
My favorite thing about this movie isn’t Hugh Grant, though he gives one of his best performances. It isn’t Nicholas Hoult, who is equally »