The Uses of Enchantment, by Bruno Bettelheim
> ...Perrault's original rendering continues with a little poem setting forth the moral to be drawn from the story: that nice girls ought not »
> ...Perrault's original rendering continues with a little poem setting forth the moral to be drawn from the story: that nice girls ought not »
Witch's Flight, 1798 Witch's Sabbath, 1798 Witch's Sabbath, or The Great He-Goat, 1819-1823 Atropos (The Fates), 1819-1823 The Conjuration, 1797-1798 »
I do plan to return to regular posts here, though my writing time lately has been taken up with novel work. It occupies most of my »
Pride and Prejudice, chapter 7 Chapter seven of Pride and Prejudice seems at first like another slow, expositional, color-building chapter. We get some background on the »
Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, chapter 7. So what happened? After a chapter long exegesis on Darcy’s sex life, and a another chapter long partial »