The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot
> ...everybody in the world seemed so hard and unkind to Maggie: there was no indulgence, no fondness, such as she imagined when she fashioned the »
> ...everybody in the world seemed so hard and unkind to Maggie: there was no indulgence, no fondness, such as she imagined when she fashioned the »
> The Marquis stood transfixed, utterly dazed, at a loss. It must have been as if he had been watching his beloved Tristan for the twelfth, »
Pitcairn is an isolated island in the South Pacific, notable for its unusual history: in 1790, the surviving mutineers from the HMS Bounty [https://en.wikipedia. »
From The Company of Wolves, 1984, directed by Neil Jordan. »
Ordinary mothers thrive on being private, And ordinary mothers, somehow, can survive it. »